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The extraordinary estate of Podere Polino

A beautiful villa for rent and sale

Situated in the charming village of Città della Pieve, Podere Polino is a high-end design project. This luxury property has been created to enchant its guests, seamlessly blending impeccable design with the extraordinary beauty of the surrounding landscape.

D. Casamassima and R. Landeweerd, A. Zaccaro, K. S. Krogh

LOCATION Città della Pieve, Italy
STATUS Completed

Podere Polino, located at the border between Umbria and Tuscany, is the result of an ambitious project conceived by Domenico Casamassima and Rob Landeweerd. Their passion for design inspired the creation of a residence of exceptional beauty, built from scratch among the green hills of Umbria, and Tomassini Arredamenti was chosen as the partner for the realisation of this spectacular villa.

Podere Polino is currently included in Special Umbria's exclusive portfolio of properties for sale and rent. This ten-bedroom property has been designed to offer guests a unique experience: the infinity pool that blends into the landscape, the vineyard, olive groves and surrounding woods make this estate a magical and exclusive retreat.

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Andrea Tomassini
Owner and Design Director of Tomassini Arredamenti, he holds a degree in architecture from La Sapienza University in Rome. For over 25 years, he has been developing projects for both residential and commercial spaces, both indoors and outdoors. He supervises and coordinates the activities of the team, always bringing in that distinctive idea that makes the difference and adds value to each project. He listens carefully to clients' needs and is constantly on the move, personally supervising the projects he is involved in. Even in his free time, he continues to run - not just for fun but as part of his training program for the next marathon.

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