
Chameleon Ti:Sapphire

Widely tunable, high power, hands-free femtosecond lasers for multiphoton imaging, ultrafast spectroscopy, and non-linear materials studies.   

With thousands of installations worldwide, Chameleon Ti:Sapphire lasers are recognized as genuine workhorses of the multiphoton imaging community. Industry leading power and tunability further expand the possibilities in other ultrafast non-linear studies. 

Chameleon Ti:Sapphire Family

A wide selection of models is available depending on your application. The wavelength coverage of Ti:Sapphire can be further extended by our range of automated Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPOs). 


Product Specifications

Product Name

Key Features 

Output Power (W) 

Tuning Range (nm) 

Chameleon Ultra


Highest power and widest tuning 

>2.5 at 800 nm 

690 to 1020 

Chameleon Ultra I

>2.9 at 800 nm 

690 to 1040 

Chameleon Ultra II

>3.5 at 800 nm 

680 to 1080  

Chameleon Vision I

Adjustable GDD precompensation 

>2.5 at 800 nm 

690 to 1040 

Chameleon Vision II

>3.0 at 800 nm

680 to 1080 

Chameleon Vision-S

GDD precompensation and shortest (75 fs) pulse width 

>2.5 at 800 nm

690 to 1050 

Chameleon Compact OPO

Long wavelength extension. 

>700 mW 

1000 to 1600 (OPO signal)  

1750 to 4000 (idler option) 

Chameleon Compact OPO-Vis

Extension to visible and IR wavelengths. 

>700 mW at 1100 nm     >1000 mW at 400 nm 

340 to 1600   

1750 to 4000 (idler option)

Chameleon MPX

Wavelength extension to 1340 nm with dispersion precompensation 

>750 mW 

1010 to 1340 

Chameleon VUE Harmonics

Harmonics generation options for Ti:Sapphire lasers

Conversion efficiency:

VUE SHG: >40%

VUE THG: >10%

Tuning range:

VUE SHG: 340 to 540

VUE THG: 227 to 540

Resource List


Solution Feature: Multiphoton Endoscopes

See how CNRS Research Director Professor Hervé Rigneault and colleagues at the Fresnel Institute are employing a Coherent Chameleon Discovery laser to explore novel optical techniques and new life science applications to help neurosurgeons make life-saving decisions.